"Somewhere between thoughtfulness and helplessness, the observer is gripped by the surreal images of Marine Louvel: large-sized heads with oversized eyes, porcelain skin, and button-shaped pupils, painted in carefully layered glaze painting. "Insight" and "Polycephaly" are the titles. Even if the artist does not name it clearly, thoughts of genetic manipulation and sinister medical experiments pop up. ",
Rabensaat, Richard," "Aufbegehrend, nachdenklich, ratlos: Künstler aus dem Rechenzentrum im Kunstraum", in PNN (2019, January 10). Retrieved from https://www.pnn.de/kultur/aufbegehrend-nachdenklich-ratlos-kuenstler-aus-dem-rechenzentrum-im-kunstraum/23847374.html
Based in Germany, Marine Louvel’s works move impulsively between figurative and abstract depictions of inner states. She intuitively uses different techniques and works predominantly with oil, acrylic and watercolours, inks and pigments. The constant experimentation with different materials and techniques, the urge to cross one's own boundaries, always creates new challenges and is balanced in its oppositeness. At the same time, it is a homage to the importance of childlike curiosity in the unexplored and the unfathomable.